I made these accordion-fold booklets of the untitled & unwritten work as promo mailings (left backs, right fronts). I've mailed out a stack but there are still some waiting to go out. I love the mini-book feel they have; I just want to carry one around in my pocket. I still have a collection of small books from when I was a kid, as well as a nutshell library (Sendak) that I bought in high school because I loved the little hardback books.

I'm working on sketches for a children's manuscript I wrote. I'm still trying to figure out how my work will fit in with my full-time job, but be assured that it will. Here are a few from the land of little time.

As I was dividing up the text for the 32-page picture book format, I was thinking how much I wished a professor had given me a text a week and had me divide it up into a 32 page format and then compared and shared ideas with the other students in my class. It would be agonizing the first few weeks, but I think it would be a great way to develop pacing along a story arc. If I ever end up teaching (who knows what could happen in the next 30 years) I may play this card... Anyway, the idea's up for grabs if anyone wants to implement it. Maybe I'll even get my act together and make myself do it.